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Book decisions

How do you decide what books to read? Read a blog post by Ken Guenther on this topic. In the post, Ken shares some thoughts from Bobby Clinton's booklet, “Reading on the Run”.

Have you experienced challenges in recalling and retaining information from your readings? Read Ken's blog post about this topic. Ken discusses the difficulty of recalling information from the many books he reads and shares methods and apps he uses to enhance his ability to remember and retain what he learns.

Book reviews

  • A weekly book review (Book Look) on mission topics is provided by Missio Nexus for any members who have created a profile on the Missio Nexus website. These book reviews are provided courtesy of The Billy Graham Center at Wheaton College and Evangelical Missions Quarterly.
  • Leader's Edge Book Summary. “Missio Nexus’ leadership thoughtfully summarize books, giving you the Leader’s Edge to help inform, stimulate and provoke profitable discussion. A monthly email includes a link to one book in each of three categories: Leadership, Mission/Ministry and Spiritual Formation.”In addition to a 75-word summary, each edition of Leader’s Edge unpacks the best information including the best chapter, the best quotes, the best illustration, the best idea, and the best take away.
  • Mary Lou's Reviews A blog and book review service for people working cross-culturally. The purpose of this service is to provide weekly Christian resources for spiritual depth and intellectual vigor based on a different book each week. There is a sound bite to consider each week and a brief review that summarizes the book’s highlights. Books are chosen in the areas of global concerns, cross-cultural work, discipleship, and spiritual formation. They are recent books, most published since 2008. The purpose of the service is to keep you current with literature in your field without having to read each book. The reviewer is Dr. M.L. Codman-Wilson, a veteran of cross-cultural ministry and a professional both academically and practically in international teaching and mission outreach. She currently works with TEAM’s Lifelong Learning Center. If you are interested in being added to the weekly sound bite and review list, contact


Bible and Theology

Church Planting

Cross-cultural Ministry

  • Misreading Scripture with Western Eyes by E. Randolph Richards. Those who grew up in the west are quite often unaware that those in different cultures don't approach the Bible with the same assumptions that we do. This doesn't necessarily make us (or them) wrong, but it can lead to problems in communicating effectively. Since the Bible wan't written from a Western perspective, it can hamper our own understanding of Scripture as well.

English as Second Language (ESL)




see books listed on the Leadership books page

Member Care

see books listed on the Member Care page


see books listed on Missiology page

Missionary biographies

Muslim Ministry

  • A reading list compiled from the lists of two of our experienced workers for those preparing for Muslim ministries.

Social Issues - Dealing with Poverty

Spiritual Life / Disciplines

see books listed on Spiritual Formation page

Theological Education

Training Missionaries

Hardware / Software


Wondering how you will get these good books to your country? Consider purchasing the Amazon Kindle, and reading your books on it. Not only are digital books significantly cheaper, the shipping costs are non-existent, and you can carry your books with you wherever you go. But Amazon digital books can also be read on your computer (PC or Mac) or on your IPhone, Android Phone, IPad or Blackberry. These Kindle applications are all free!

Library management software

Free software to keep track of books you own, want to read or have read

  • Calibre is a great software program designed to manage all your e-books on your computer. Best of all, it is also free. It works great with the Kindle.
  • Goodreads. An online site that works well with Amazon and the Kindle
books.txt · Last modified: 2023/12/19 16:18 by kimsamalca

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