Table of Contents
Finding a Coach:
SEND U has a growing coaching pool of people within SEND who have completed the 60 or more hours of coaching training.
- Criteria for those who have included in the coaching pool.
- Contact Ken Guenther if you would like to see if there would be someone in this coaching pool that would suit your needs.
Other organizations that provide coaching for a fee:
Coaching Tools
- Coaching Notes.doc developed by Carl Kresge
- Am I ready for coaching? questionnaire
- When Coaching is Not Enough. What do you do if coaching is not enough, and the coachee needs counseling or the mission leadership needs to get involved? See this policy statement and outline of procedures developed by the SEND U Leadership Team.
- An example of a client folder given by a coach to a potential coachee, including an introduction to Christian coaching, getting the most out of coaching, policies and procedures and the coaching agreement
- Coaching church planters - see the materials developed by Philippine Challenge and used to train coaches for church planters. Larry Salisbury has used these materials extensively. Much of the notes are in Tagalog.
Articles on coaching:
- Ken Guenther's “comments on coaching” - a series of articles sent to the SEND membership
- Stoltzfus, Tony, “Hiring a Coach”
- Stoltzfus, Tony, “Finding the Right Coach for you”
- Webb, Keith, “Coaching Workers” - on unique issues of coaching missions leaders.
- Miller, Kevin, “The Power of A Personal Coach: My experiment in trying to become a more effective Christian leader.”
- Logan, Bob, “Coaching Church Planters: What does it take ?”
- Other articles on Christian Coaching
- Competencies of a coaching leader. Summarized by Jon E. from Daniel Harkavy's bookBecoming a Coaching Leader: The Proven Strategy for Building Your Own Team of Champions .
- Is Coaching too Time Intensive? article by Tim Cosby.
- Can a a supervisor also be a coach of those he or she supervises?
- Here is an article that discusses this dilemma - Can I be a Coach and a Manager at the Same Time?.
- Another article by Keith Webb on the topic - Supervising with Coaching Skills.
- What happens in a coaching session? blog post by Ken Guenther
Books on coaching:
- The Coach Model for Christian Leaders: Powerful Leadership Skills for Solving Problems, Reaching Goals and Developing Others by Keith Webb. This book is a good summary of the training received in the Coaching Mastery Certificate Program or The Coaching Workshop.
- Leadership Coaching: The Disciplines, Skills, and Heart of a Christian Coach by Tony Stoltzfus.
- Book Excerpt: What is Coaching? - A chapter from the book, Leadership Coaching introducing the basic concepts of coaching and showing how they work in a real situation.
- TransforMissional Coaching: Empowering Leaders in a Changing Ministry World by Steve Ogne and Tim Roehl, published in 2008.
- Coaching for Christian Leaders: A Practical Guide (TCP Leadership Series) by Linda Miller and Chad Hall
Training in Coaching:
- The Coaching Workshop: How to empower others by integrating coaching skills into your leadership style - SEND U has purchased the licence and materials to offer this 3-day training workshop in coaching. Please contact Ken Guenther if you would like to host or attend such a workshop.
- CoachNet training. Bob Logan
- Coaching Mission International5 coach training program options for on-field and returning missionaries
Christian Coaching Center
coaching.txt · Last modified: 2021/06/29 23:16 by admin