Table of Contents
Conflict Management
General articles on conflict management
The importance of healthy conflict
- Valuing Conflict > a blog post by Ken Guenther. “Do you want to have strong relationships, good decisions, and a deeper character? Then learn to embrace and love conflict.” Quote from Ted Esler from the Missio Nexus 2016 Fall Anthology.
- Avoiding Conflict > a blog post by Ken Guenther. Why do we seek to avoid conflict and what do we we lose if we avoid conflict.
Boundaries as a Lens for Understanding Conflict
- Conflict Seminar for WMT 2024 handout
Crucial Conversations
See this section on the “Supervision of Others” wiki page.
Conflict resolution on mission teams
- Guidelines for Handling Member Concerns and Grievances developed by the SEND Europe Hybrid Group
- Long Distance Managerial Intervention in Overseas Conflicts: Helping Missionaries Reframe Conflict along Multiple Dimensions by David R. Dunaetz, former World Venture missionaries in France
- Mediating Conflict Situations Effectively. by Dan Bacon
- Dealing with Conflict on Teams. PowerPoint by Ken Guenther. Deals with the importance of engaging in conflict, and the difference between productive and unproductive conflict.
Books on conflict resolution
- Resolving Everyday Conflict”by Ken Sande and Kevin Johnson.
- Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High also by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler.
conflict_management.txt · Last modified: 2024/10/03 18:35 by kimsamalca