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Information about COVID-19

Protect yourself from COVID-19

Help for churches during COVID-19

Life and Ministry during the COVID-19 crisis

Leadership during the COVID-19 crisis


Debriefing the COVID-19 experience

  • After an Unusual Experience like COVID-19 Debrief > This document is for our SEND community and encourages individual reflection and group processing. This should be sent to all members for personal reflection while encouraging them to also find a partner or group to discuss some areas further. In many cases this may be a helpful team activity.
  • COVD Experience WordCloud Image > This visual image could be a tool in debriefing discussions and identifying phrases that resonate with our members. This could also be used below in the COVID Experience Circles.
  • COVID Experience Circle Guide Master document > This pandemic is a shared experience whether or not you know the Lord. Coming alongside our outreach communities is a beautiful way to be the presence of Jesus and bring His message. The COVID Experience Circles facilitates debriefing in non-Christian communities with question prompts and reading Bible passages. This guide gives ideas on how to engage with unbelievers. COVID experience circles can allow SEND to support our ministry communities in a tangible way. Possible groups to gather: English classes, youth mentoring, professional friends, our students, neighbors, evangelism teams, patients, sports clubs, community gardeners, local business owner, etc.
  • COVID Experience Handout > If you want an easy handout, print copies of page one (two identical half size handouts, so cut in half) and give to the group so everyone has their copy. Or, just send a copy of the questions in a text from the master document. The SEND member can choose a verse for the discussion by texting a local translation of a Bible passage for your group reflection.
  • Covid Stresses on Life & Relationships > Challenges Expressed Across Our SEND Membership, particular stress or impact that COVID had on the life and relationships.

The purpose of these groups is to provide a space for guys where Covid experiences and losses can be processed in a positive, productive, and mutually supportive environment. Groups are six weeks in duration and will welcome a maximum of six members. In order to promote a safe environment, they are open to any SEND men for the first three weeks after which the groups will close to new participants. The purpose of these groups is to provide a space for guys where Covid experiences and losses can be processed in a positive, productive, and mutually supportive environment. Groups are six weeks in duration and will welcome a maximum of six members. In order to promote a safe environment, they are open to any SEND men for the first three weeks after which the groups will close to new participants.

covid-19.txt · Last modified: 2024/02/20 16:14 by kimsamalca

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