Table of Contents
Diaspora Ministry
General Resources
- Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration and Mission by J. D. Payne is a helpful resource. “As we understand and embrace the fact that the least-reached people groups now reside in (and continue to migrate to) Western countries, churches have unprecedented opportunites to freely share the gospel with them. This book includes practical guidelines for doing crosscultural missions and developing a global strategy of mission.”
- Crossroads of the Nations by Jared Looney is a good basic book for those interested in Diaspora Ministry. It deals with the mega themes of globalization, urbanization and migration which are transforming global missions. These changes are blurring the boundaries between local and global outreach presenting both new opportunities and challenges. The author paints a picture of evangelism and Church planting in our urban and global world through actual accounts and tells a story of transnational missions impacting our world.
- Discovery Bible Study (DBS) Tools and tips for multiplying disciples through a simple, reproducible approach.
- More Disciples resources on DBS's and Disciple Making Movements (DMM).
- Brigada provides resources, trend analysis, and encouragement for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.
- Diaspora Ministry Coalition has helpful resources and tools for Diaspora Ministry. SEND International is part of this coalition.
- Resources for answering students' questions in 35 languages, EveryStudent.
- ISI's M28 adaptation of the DBS approach to multiplying disciples among students through Discovery Bible Studies.
- Serving God in a Migrant Crisis: Ministry to People on the Move is a valuable resource on ministering to refugees, recommended by James Aberin of PSC.
- Scattered: The Filipino Global Presence , Edited by Luis Pantoja, Sadiri Joy Tira, Enoch Wan, Life Change Publishers, Manila 2004. This is the book that was distributed at the Lausanne Meeting in Pattaya and used to launch Diaspora Missiology through the Lausanne Congress in Cape Town. Theological and missiological study on Diaspora is important and the practical reports and stories from around the world facing the diaspora is inspiring.
Statistics and Trends
- Joshua Project statistics and helpful information on Unreached People Groups (UPG's) worldwide. statistics and helpful information on Unreached People Groups (UPG's) worldwide. statistics and helpful information on Unreached People Groups (UPG's) worldwide. statistics and helpful information on Unreached People Groups (UPG's) worldwide.
- Statistical Atlas gives USA information on languages spoken and nationality to name a few with graphs, charts and maps to help with strategy analysis by state, county or city.gives USA information on languages spoken and nationality to name a few with graphs, charts and maps to help with strategy analysis by state, county or city.gives USA information on languages spoken and nationality to name a few with graphs, charts and maps to help with strategy analysis by state, county or city.gives USA information on languages spoken and nationality to name a few with graphs, charts and maps to help with strategy analysis by state, county or city.
Diaspora Missiology
- Diaspora Missiology: Reflections on Reaching the Scattered Peoples of the World by Michael Pocock and Enoch Wan (Editors), provides “a helpful overview of the current state of Diaspora Missiology with lots of information of where to dig deeper,” see the whole book review on this SEND U blog post.
Resources from the Lausanne Movement
- In The Cape Town Commitment, under Living the love of Christ among peoples of other faiths: “Love reaches out to scattered peoples”
- Lausanne Global Analysis. Articles on global missions.
diaspora_ministry.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/12 14:37 by admin