Table of Contents
Discipleship Levels
Our organization has identified 13 levels that a person may move through in their journey to Jesus and becoming a mature follower of Him. These levels are not successive, but simultaneous (e.g., a Contact will be at a specific level under Presence and Proclamation at the same time – and, if a Follower, under Maturity as well). For consistency, the titles of these levels may not be changed, but the definition of each level should be established by each Team, to best fit their local ministry context.
The 13 levels are divided into three categories:
These four levels describe our tangible, interpersonal level of interaction with our Contacts.
- Familiar - This Contact is an acquaintance. For example, we have interacted at some group activities (e.g., sports event, outings, socials), we have had basic conversations.
- Attender - This Contact has been invited to and has attended some event sponsored by the Team (e.g., computer class, English club, etc.). A connection with this person has begun to develop.
- Friend - We have meals together, we spend time in each other's homes, we hang out together relatively frequently, the relationship has become reciprocal.
- Trust - We have a deeper level of companionship, we have had a growing number of shared experiences, what I say is considered true or seen as reliable.
These four levels describe stages between being willing to dialog about spiritual things and becoming a follower of Jesus.
- Dialog - We have had spiritual conversations, we have discussed each other's beliefs, our exchanges are filled with good questions.
- Scripture/Story - There has been intentional sharing of Bible passages/stories - more than just once or twice.
- Study - This Contact has committed to a study of the Bible with at least one other person.
- Follower - This Contact has become a follower of Jesus.
These five levels describe steps toward becoming a mature, reproducing follower of Jesus.
- Growing - This Contact is demonstrating personal spiritual growth, a desire to be an obedient follower of Jesus, has been baptized (or moving towards it), is studying Scripture.
- Serving - This Contact is involved in tangible acts of service to others.
- Sharing - This Contact is sharing the good news of Jesus with others.
- Leading - This Contact is intentionally leading others in the study and obeying of the Word.
- Reproducing - This Contact is demonstrating a commitment to reproducing himself/herself in evangelism and discipleship.