Table of Contents
Discovery Bible Study (DBS)
The Discovery Bible Study (DBS) is the engine of Disciple Making Movements. The DBS is a discovery process of meeting in community to look into God's word and discern what he has for each of us to do in applying what we learn. Also see the Disciple Making Movements (DMM) and Church Planting pages for videos and instruction on DMM's.
The 7 question DBS study
(modeled after David Watson’s DBS approach)
- What are you rejoicing in?
- What are you challenged by?
- What have you learned about God from this passage?
- What do we learn about Jesus from this passage?
- What have you learned about mankind from this passage?
- What will I do this week based on this passage?
- With whom will you share what you learned today?
DBS Tools
A useful quick summary of the DBS process in a cross-cultural context is ISI's M28 quick-start summary, an application of DMM to reaching internationals. This compact 2 sided sheet summarizes the DBS questions, suggestions for facilitators on the front and has story sets on the back for disciples in various phases of the journey with Jesus.
Chronological Story Set Sample
The following story set has been helpful for people lacking a Biblical worldview. It provides a sampling of biblical accounts which outline the grand story of God's love reaching out from creation to Christ in a brief, 12 part series.
- Genesis 1:1-13 Creation, World-Day 3
- Genesis 1:14-27 Creation, Day 4-Mankind
- Genesis 3:1-13 Fall in Garden
- Genesis 11:30-12:9 Call of Abram
- 1 Samuel 17:38-52 David Defeats Goliath
- 1 Kings 18:30-40 Elijah’s God Sends Fire
- Psalm 139:1-13 God Knows Me
- Mark 4:35-41 Storm & Jesus
- Luke 15:11-32 Prodigal Son
- Matthew 13: 3-23 Parable of Sower & Explanation
- John 3:1-18 Jesus & Nicodemus
- Acts 2:22-36 Peter Explains Jesus is Messiah