Table of Contents
Emotional Wellness
- What to do about burnout? The Headington Institute has a number of blog articles written for those working in stressful cross-cultural humanitarian relief situations.
- Blog post by Lynn Karidis on burnout
- Webinars by Alongside Ministries on this topic
- Understanding Depression 1 > article by Evan Parks that addresses: The fives factors that can lead to depression
- Understanding Depression 2 > continuation of article by Evan Parks that addresses: 1. Why we ignore the signs of depression; 2. How to talk with somebody that you think is struggling with depression
- Understanding Depression 3 > continuation of article by Evan Parks that addresses: 1. Personality types and depression; 2. What to do when the problems are denied
Emotional Intelligence
- How can I increase my Emotional IQ? article by Dr. Bill Gaultiere.
- Emotions - A Crash Course > PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Jeanne L. Jensma of Alongside.
- Emotions are from God > article by Alongside staff
- Emotions Questions > questions for reflection about Dr. Jensma's presentation
- Reading your Gauges > article by Bill Hybels. Summary by Eric Oldenburg: “His main thrust is that you have various gauges in your life (e.g., spiritual, physical) and you have to monitor those gauges to make sure you're life has proper balance. Are you spending appropriate time in the Word, in fellowship with other believers, in conversation with the Lord? Are you eating healthy, getting sufficient exercise, resting enough? If your life seems out of whack, perhaps you need to check your gauges and see if you might answer “no” to any of these questions. But gauging the spiritual and physical is not enough. We have an emotional aspect to life whose gauge we need to check regularly. The part of Hybels' article that hit home for me is that it takes more emotional energy to perform functions and fulfill responsibilities when the gifts, strengths and talents needed to accomplish those tasks are not your primary gifts and strengths. Someone whose gift is not teaching might be able to teach well but it will be more of a drain on them emotionally because they are having to work, think and feel harder than the gifted teacher. Teaching for the non-teacher will likely turn out to be draining rather than fulfilling the way it is for the teacher. It is in such cases of working and serving outside of your primary giftedness that your emotional gauge may run low. In such cases, you need to build emotionally rejuvenating activities into your schedule in order to renew your emotional reserves. If you don't, you may begin to experience an emotional weakness the same way you would feel a spiritual weakness if you stopped reading your Bible or a physical weakness if you ate nothing but chocolate chip cookies.”
- What Makes a Leader > The importance of emotional intelligence for a leader - article by Daniel Goleman. “I have found, however, that the most effective leaders are alike in one crucial way: They all have a high degree of what has come to be known as emotional intelligence.”
Healing from Trauma, Loss, and Grief see this wiki page.
emotional_wellness.txt · Last modified: 2022/06/27 19:44 by admin