Table of Contents
Personal Evangelism Training
- Evangelism: Abundantly Sowing the Seed > an online training module developed by World Team, and available to SEND members
- Articles and sermons on evangelism developed by On the Red Box, a street evangelism ministry in Madrid. The ministry provides training and coaching in street evangelism in the context of Europe. They have launched an on-line school of evangelism using the materials they offer in face-to-face classes already.
- Big Story Gospel Video, recommended by Warren
- FAITH evangelism training resource used and recommended by Ruth Harbour. This evangelism program has been translated into Chinese and SEND Taiwan has permission to distribute it in the Chinese world.
- resources in English from LifeWay
- FAITH Gospel ministry in Taiwan (evangelism training)
- The Gospel presentations used in Training for Trainers > the training program for church planting movements, developed by David Garrison, the IMB and GEM,
- You are the light of the world.ppt > PowerPoint presentation on evangelism by Dave Givens to the USO
- Some thoughts from a fisherman > written by Martyn Hartley. An article about how to become more effective in evangelism.
- Resources for answering students' questions in 35 languages, EveryStudent
- Presenting the Gospel to cultures that are primarily shame-based, guilt-based or fear-based? See the middle section of Roland Muller's The Messenger, the Message and the Community and Gary Ridley's reflections on this topic.
Books About Evangelism
- One Gospel for All Nations by Jackson Wu – discusses the overarching themes of the gospel message and how to contextualize in your specific context. Excellent material
- Conversational Evangelism: Connecting with People to Share Jesus by David and Norman Geisler. Reviewed by Gary Ridley on the SEND U blog. “The book gives examples of the kinds of questions to use in different situations, recognizing that conversational evangelism is more art than science. What stood out to me was that in each conversation we want to keep the door open for further conversations.”
- Prepared by Grace, For Grace: the Puritans on God's Ordinary Way of Leading Sinners to Christ by Joel R. Beeke and Paul M. Smalley. This book addresses what the Puritans taught about how God prepares people for conversion. The Puritans talked about the importance of using the law to convict sinners. Gary Ridley reviewed this book on this post on the SEND U blog.
- Evangelism as Exiles: Life on Mission as Strangers in our Own Land by Elliot Clark, a book reviewed by Gary Ridley on the SEND U blog: Book Review: Evangelism as Exiles
- Marks of the Messenger: Knowing, Living and Speaking the Gospel by J. Mack Stiles. “I do not think I have ever read a book on evangelism that makes me more eager to pass it on than this one – better, that makes me more eager to evangelize than this one.” comment by D. A. Carson. Reviewed by Gary Ridley on the SEND U blog.
- Jesus, Bread, and Chocolate: Crafting a Handmade Faith in a Mass-Market World by John J. Thompson. Only 99 cents on Kindle. Recommended by Kenny Humphries. “This book is not a great theological masterpiece, but I come back to its principal idea often. Recipes empower the novice to produce consistency, which is good if you get a job making hamburger buns. Artisan Bakers sometimes produce a heavy marbled rye with crisp crust and moist centers and other times flaky croissants, but it's messy, time intensive, complicated, with lots of moments looking at the half-finished product with faith in the outcome… with INCONSISTENT results. Discipleship is the same. Recipes can be helpful, but I need not fear the heavy marbled rye, or that crazy process that produces it. God doesn't need us all to be hamburger buns.”
- Models of Evangelism by Priscilla Pope-Levison. Reviewed by Ken Guenther on SEND U blog.
Materials for Use in Evangelism / Discipleship:
- Three free apps to use in sharing your faith
- Power for Living > to use in evangelism. It opens with testimonies from believers then goes into an explanation of the Gospel.
- The Concise Bible > covers Genesis to Revelation in an illustrated, easy-to-understand format
- Honor-Shame Evangelism Tool > this app has been translated into Hindi, Arabic, Croatian, Persian/Farsi, Turkish, and Portuguese. They are translating it into Mandarin, French, Russian, Marathi, German, Telugu, Spanish, Korean, and Japanese.
Information About Major Religious Groups
- Profile for Catholicism. Found at this place on the Internet.
- Profile for Secularism. Found at this place on the Internet.
- Resources on Eastern Orthodoxy
- Introduction to Orthodox faith by Mark Saucy (including the key difference between the Orthodox church and Evangelical Protestantism)
- On Orthodoxy East and West by Mark Saucy
evangelism.txt · Last modified: 2022/07/15 20:55 by fayevillas