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Marks of Effective and Sustainable Life and Ministry

A self-assessment tool for helping missionaries achieve and maintain personal health in key areas of life and ministry


We believe that this document will encourage you to stay healthy by pointing toward some of the most basic cornerstones of effective and sustainable life and ministry. With an integrated self-check chart, we also hope to give you a tool (like a mirror) which will help you to immediately recognize “warning signs” in your life, to identify areas that are not healthy, and to reveal issues that need support or correction.

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These resources are intended to help us grow and become more like Jesus. If you know more helpful resources, please tell us:

Personal spiritual care

Personal physical care

  • The Daniel Plan: offers practical solutions to improve your health physically, spiritually, relationally, and emotionally
  • Nutrition Action Guide: objective research on modern trends in food with information on fast foods, prepared foods, diets, etc.
  • Carnivora: 17 essential nutrients in their natural state working synergistically to support the natural healing process

Personal emotional care

  • ProQOL: is the most commonly used measure of the negative and positive effects of helping others who experience suffering and trauma. The ProQOL has sub-scales for compassion satisfaction, burnout and compassion fatigue.
  • CHOPS: grid/chart to help address and deal with stress
  • Missionary Training International: debriefing & renewal retreat
  • Missionary Care: resources for missions and mental health
  • Member Care: SEND U wiki resources

Healthy family

  • Couple Checkup: a scientifically-based assessment that identifies relationship strengths and weaknesses across key relationship areas
  • SHARE: an organization committed to helping with educational and developmental needs for expatriate families
  • Marriage & MKs: SEND U wiki resources

Healthy single

Healthy team relationships

Ministry fit and satisfaction

Regular and relevant ministry training

  • SEND U wiki: provides a place and a forum for sharing resources, training opportunities, and ideas broadly within SEND
  • IGP: instructions for developing an Individual Growth Plan
  • L&O: specific helps in the area of language and orientation
  • Biblical training: world-class online Christian education courses on a broad range of theological and practical topics

‍Appropriate leadership direction‍

Stable financial support

  • SEND U wiki: partner development page
  • Donor Manager: Windows-based program for tracking donor information
  • TntMPD: Windows/Mac-based program for tracking donor information
  • Media tools to raise awareness: blogs (Wordpress, Blogspot), Twitter, Facebook
marks.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/09 22:28 by admin

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