Table of Contents
Articles on mentoring
- Mentoring new missionaries: A Neglected Ministry > 2008 article by John DeValue.
- Mentoring or coaching - am I pushing or pulling? > article by Ken Guenther in Apr 2021 Training Tracks newsletter.
- Do I need a mentor or a coach? by Ken Guenther
- Pillars of Mentoring. This series of 12 articles were written by Jim Feiker and published with permission on the SEND U blog. Jim and his wife Bev served with SEND International for 12 years (1988-2000) in a mentoring and training capacity. Jim passed away back in 2012, leaving behind scores of people whom he had mentored and coached. His legacy lives on in their ministries.
Books on mentoring
- Starting Strong: A Mentoring Fable by Lois J. Zachary and Lory A. Fischler. Recommended by Ken Guenther. A fable outlining the first 90 days of a mentoring relationship between an energetic young man and a senior leader in the company. The mentee has big career ambitions but also struggles with his supervisor's leadership and has significant issues in relating to others. The book outlines the various conversations that are necessary in a mentoring relationship. It demonstrates the importance of confronting mentees in areas of weakness and structuring times of review in the mentoring relationship. This book is a good introduction to mentoring, helping to set expectations for prospective mentees and some guidelines and helpful questions for would-be mentors.
- Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life by Paul D. Stanley and J. Robert Clinton. Recommended by Ken Guenther.
- Lead in Light of Eternity by Stacy Rinehart. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink. Available for purchase or as a free PDF download.
- Mentoring Conversations by Herman Moldez. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink.
- Deep Mentoring by Randy Reese and Robert Loane. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink. “The best recent book on mentoring from my perspective.”
- Mentoring Leaders by Carson Pue. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink.
- Mentoring Matters by Orrin Woodward. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink.
- Mentoring: How to Invest Your Life in Others by Tim Elmore. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher of MentorLink.
- Launching a Leadership Revolution: Mastering the Five Levels of Influence by Chris Brady and Orrin Woodward. Recommended by Marvin Brubacher. Not specifically about mentoring but more about developing leaders.
- A Game Plan for Life: The Power of Mentoring by John Wooden. A moving and inspirational guide to the power of mentorship. The first half focuses on the people who helped foster the values that carried Wooden through an incredibly successful and famously principled career, including his college coach, his wife, Abraham Lincoln, and Mother Teresa. The second half is built around interviews with some of the many people he mentored over the years, including Kareem Abdul- Jabbar, Bill Walton, fellow coaches, family members, and even a middle school coach in Canada.
- Connecting: The Mentoring Relationships You Need to Succeed in Life by Paul D. Stanley. Mentoring relationships can be key to effective discipleship and evangelism. This book shows you how to do it effectively.
- One Minute Mentoring by Kenneth H. Blanchard.
- Mentoring Relationships that Work by William A. Gray
- Organic Mentoring: A Mentor’s Guide to Relationships with Next Generation Women by Sue Edwards & Barbara Neumann
- Mentoring Made Real: The Power of Authentic Connection by Nancy Lindgren
- Growing Together: Taking Mentoring Beyond Small Talk and Prayer Requests by Melissa B. Kruger
- Mobilizing Gen Z: Challenges and Opportunities for the Global Age of Missions by Jolene Erlacher & Katy White
Mentoring programs
- SEND U's Mentoring Younger Leaders (launched in 2021)
- SEND Spain's Big Sib program
MentorLink resources
- Leader's Covenant > developed by MentorLink for the 2010 Lausanne Congress.
- Leading Like Jesus > the Transformational Values, the Leader's Covenant plus an explanation and discussion guide for each of the 10 statements of the Leader's Covenant. This is a free download.
- Passing It On manual: Foundations for a Christ-Centered Leadership Movement
- Principles and Practices of Mentoring PPT (by Marvin Brubacher)
- MentorLink blog by Bill Mann
Other Mentoring Resources
- - strategies for a new generation (info for intergenerational relationships and teams)
See also
mentoring.txt · Last modified: 2022/09/30 03:16 by fayevillas