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SEND U Training Events

Training calendars from our learning partners:

Dates Topic Notes
Feb 17-24, 2025 Learning Culture Through Purposeful Observation (EC1) A one-week Grow2Serve online course designed to help you as a new missionary or cross-cultural worker to begin to put into practice your culture-learning skills. The course asks you to make an investment of 4-6 hours of learning time. First, you’ll review some basic concepts of culture and participant observation. Next, you’ll get to practice observation and assessment through a fiction-based activity. And the final task is a guided observation project on-site at a venue of your choice.
Feb 24-Apr 6, 2025 MOP 202V A 6-week Member Orientation Program by videoconferencing for those who have completed MOP 201. The video calls are on Thursday evenings or Friday mornings with 5-6 hours of reading and writing assignments during the week.
Feb 28, 2025 Training on Databank We are planning an online training for mobilizers, fund-raisers, fund-raisers and anyone else who would like to learn more about how to use AirTable and the new expanded capacities of Databank 2.0. The training will be for one hour at 8:00 am Eastern time on February 27.
Mar 3-30, 2025 Onboarding 101 A 4-week online course that helps team leaders and others create a plan for helping new members connect to the context, the team, the ministry and get set up for ongoing success.
April 28- May 5, 2025 Learning Culture Through Purposeful Observation (EC1) A one-week Grow2Serve online course designed to help you as a new missionary or cross-cultural worker to begin to put into practice your culture-learning skills. The course asks you to make an investment of 4-6 hours of learning time. First, you’ll review some basic concepts of culture and participant observation. Next, you’ll get to practice observation and assessment through a fiction-based activity. And the final task is a guided observation project on-site at a venue of your choice.
Apr 30- May 14, 2025 Intentional Multicultural Teams The course walks through the eight different cultural differences found in Erin Meyer's book, The Culture Map. Participants are asked to develop plans for how they can help their team become a great intercultural team. The course is only 2 weeks long, and expects participants to work on different assignments for about an hour each day.
May 5-June 22, 2025 MOP 201 A 6-week online course that is required of all mid-term and long-term members of SEND. It looks at worldview, cultural values, cultural stress, servanthood and sacrifice, and safety and security. It is facilitated by Bethany Reedy and Jenny Baker. About 5-6 hours of work per week for native English speakers.
July 6-17, 2025 MOP 202 A 2-week onsite Member Orientation Program for appointees going long-term with SEND, have been cleared by their coach, and have completed MOP 201. This training will be hosted at Ward Church in Northville, Michigan.
July 18, 2025 Safety and Security Training 2 days of pre-field training in safety and security led by SEND's Director of Corporate Security. This training will be hosted at Ward Church in Northville, Michigan.
Feb 22- Mar 6, 2026 MOP 202 A 2-week onsite Member Orientation Program for appointees going long-term with SEND, have been cleared by their coach, and have completed MOP 201. This training will be hosted at PSC in Quezon City, Philippines.

Past SEND-led training events











2014 and before

send_u_training_events.txt · Last modified: 2025/02/13 17:39 by kimsamalca

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