Table of Contents
Spiritual Formation
- Pray as You Go > app for daily meditation and contemplative prayer, recommended by Bethany Reedy.
- PrayerMate app > a free app for iOS and Android designed to help you pray more faithfully and more widely. It's been a finalist in the Premier Digital Awards several times. Highly recommended by Ken Guenther.
- Bible memory app: Remember me > recommended by Ken G. The Remember Me Bible Memory App (for both Apple and Android) is an awesome tool to assist in bible verse memory work. This free* app allows you to choose Bible scriptures you want to memorize. You can play several different games that make Bible memorization easy and FUN! When you’ve mastered a Bible memory verse, the app brings it up for review every few days so you can retain what you’ve learned.
- Bible in one year app > Recommended by Beeatrice. “I have been using this Bible reading plan, and I find many of the devotional sharing are very life nourishing, insightful and thought-provoking. I find them very helpful for keeping my spiritual life vital.”
Books on spiritual formation in general
- The Divine Mentor: Growing your Faith as you sit at the Feet of the Saviour > book by Wayne Cordeiro, the author of the Life Journal. Reviewed by Ken Guenther on the SEND U blog.
- Renovation of the Heart Video Curriculum by Dallas Willard, being used by our East Asia teams
- Hudson Taylor's Spiritual Secret. Also available as a free download as of March 15, 2012. Recommended by Derek Baker (phenomenal in reminding us of the importance of prayer in missions)
- Living the Cross Centered Life: Keeping the Gospel the Main Thing by C. J. Mahaney. Recommended by Ken Z. “A small book, quick read, that reminds me of some very central Gospel truths…a book that I actually re-read once a year. Really has helped me to preach the Gospel to myself and refreshes me in the completed work of Christ and how that applies to my life as well as my ministry to others.”
- With a book by Skye Jethani. Recommended by Nathan Garrett. “A transformative book that I would recommend for everyone to read. He does an amazing job at describing the various ways people relate to God and points to the best way – living with God, not for Him, under Him, over Him or from Him. A nice side effect is being more aware of the countless times in the Bible that God relates to His people by saying He is with them.”
- From the Garden to the City by John Dyer
- Sensible Shoes: A Story About the Spiritual Journey by Sharon Garlough Brown is a fictional narrative of four women on a journey toward deeper intimacy with Christ. Reviewed by Brittany Garrett on the SEND U blog.
- Warfield on the Christian Life: Living in the Light of the Gospel by Fred G. Zaspel. Part of Crossway Books' series:Theologians on the Christian Life. Reviewed by Gary Ridley on the SEND U blog.
- Faithfully Present: Embracing the Limits of Where and When God Has You by Adam Ramsey. Reviewed by Jenny Baker on the SEND U blog.
Blog posts by Lynn Karidis
- Exploring Spiritual Formation:Perspective > Explores what perspective can do for our souls.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation:Gifting > Explores how gift-giving permeates the story of Jesus and the lives of his disciples.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation:Attitude > A brief look at the importance of attitudes of the heart.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation:Burnout > An exploration of burnout: symptoms, causes, and cures.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Contentment > Presents a godly response to discontent.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Discipline > Explores the biblical concept of discipline.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Empathy > Explores the empathy and compassion of Jesus.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Fruit Part 1 > Explores the concept of biblical fruit and highlights the fruit of the Spirit.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Fruit Part 2 > Explores the concept of biblical fruit and highlights the fruit of the Spirit.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Grief Part 1 > Presents the hallmarks and pitfalls of grief, along with a biblical perspective.
- Exploring Spiritual Formation: Grief Part 2 > Explores the concept of biblical fruit and highlights the fruit of the Spirit.
Other spiritual formation resources
- A series of lectures on spiritual formation by Dr. John Coe of Biola University. Highly recommended by Ken G.
- Mentored Sonship- 8-month mentoring program by World Harvest Mission for those in full-time ministry.
- The Idol Factory > a series of 3 sermons by C. J. Mahaney, recommended by Ken Z. Free for download.
- Future Grace by John Piper. Recommended by Ken Z. Free sample of first 3 chapters available for PDF download from Desiring God website.
- Wisdom Hunters Daily Devotional (sent by email). Recommended by Deb Davis.
- Faith Comes by Hearing > David Benzel writes, “You can download Bibles in various languages and translations to listen to. You have to sign up to download something (but I've never gotten any mail from them) and they limit how many versions you can download at one time. There is probably about 20 various English options to download (dramatized, etc.). They used to have the NIV but don't anymore. But they do have the ESV.”
- Solitude > a blog post by Dave Brubacher reflects on the spiritual discipline of solitude and its challenges.
- See wiki page on developing your prayer life.
- A Praying Life: Connecting with God in a Distracting World by Paul Miller. Reviewed on the SEND U Blog by Ken Guenther.
- Prayer: Experiencing Awe and Intimacy with God by Timothy Keller. Highlights compiled by Len Geddert.
- The Hour that Changes the World: How to Pray for an Hour > blog post by Jack Gilbert reviewing Dick Eastman's The Hour that Changes the World: A Practical Plan for Personal Prayer.
SEND U resources
- Day Alone with God > a guide developed for the Member Orientation Program
- Who feeds the missionary? a blog series on the SEND U blog by Ken Guenther. You can find it as a single document starting with the first article at this link.
- Crucibles > a blog series by Ken G. on how God uses crucible experiences to form us spiritually
- The Wilderness as a Classroom > blog post by Ken G. on wilderness experiences in spiritual formation
- Puritan Meditation > Gary Ridley
- Listening to Sermons Like a Puritan > Gary Ridley
- Summary of MOP training on spiritual formation for MOP-Recap review
spiritual_formation.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/06 16:30 by kimsamalca