Table of Contents
Supervision of others
Training in supervision provided by SEND U
- The Team Leader as Supervisor online course - developed and facilitated by Ken Guenther
- DVD - It's OK to be the Boss by Bruce Tulgan. Contact Ken Guenther to obtain this DVD training series which SEND U purchased. The 2014 Directors' Council used this training material. Bruce Tulgan has also written a book by the same name.
Crucial Conversations
- See Philip Jackson’s YouTube training video on Crucial Converations.
- Training notes from the AD boot camp on the topic of Crucial Conversations (by Warren Janzen)
- Crucial Accountability: Tools for Resolving violated expectations, broken commitments and bad behavior by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler. Ken's summary document of this book.
- Crucial Conversations: Tools for Talking When Stakes are High also by Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, and Al Switzler.
- VitalSmarts resources > the organization behind the books, Crucial Accountability & Crucial Conversations
Coaching those you supervise
- Can I be a Coach and a Manager at the Same Time? > excellent article from Christian Coaching Magazine
- The Coaching Workshop: How to empower others by integrating coaching skills into your leadership style - SEND U has purchased the license and materials to offer this 3-day training workshop in coaching. Please contact Beth Eckstein if you would like to host or attend such a workshop.
- Presentation on supervision and delegation from AD Boot Camp.
- How many direct reports should a supervisor have? Some say the magic number is “7”. This article says that the number depends on some organizational cultural factors such as the complexity of the work, the employee skills and experience, the acceptable error rate, the managerial experience of the supervisor, the amount of change in the environment, and the degree that you use technology to oversee projects.
Intrinsic Motivation
How do we provide leadership for others that aligns with their intrinsic motivation?
- Building Strong Teams: Nurturing the Commitment of our Teammates > a presentation made by Ken Guenther at the 2011 “Becoming an Effective Leader of a Team” training in Taiwan and Germany
- Managing Those Called > a short story (fiction) written by Dr. Ken Harder about a mission leader who discovers the value of intrinsic motivation
- Employee Passion > an article (PDF download) produced by the Ken Blanchard Companies on their research into what makes a person committed to his work
- Books on Intrinsic Motivation
- Intrinsic Motivation at Work: What Really Drives Employee Engagement by Kenneth Thomas
- Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us by Dan Pink (also Ted Talk by Dan Pink
Situational Leadership - Ken Blanchard & Paul Hersey
Disciplinary action
- SEND's Corrective Action Policy > in the Directors' Council folders on SharePoint.
Spiritual Abuse
The Subtle Power of Spiritual Abuse book - “Recommended by Sandra Drost, who says, “There are a couple of interviews with the authors as well that are very informative. This book highlights the danger that comes with the abuse of power and the guilt that often happens within our Christian communities that causes great damage to individuals and to the witness for the Lord. The reason for my recommendation is that we are often in positions in our ministry that involve us being in positions of power, either to our teams or discipling others. It is imperative that we are evaluating ourselves to ensure that we are not utilizing the name of the Lord in a way that is unhealthy. This book reveals many practices that could be unhealthy that we often don’t even realize.”