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Introducing Tailored Fundraising

SEND US has partnered with an exciting organization, Tailored Fundraising, to help all of our missionaries meet their financial needs while on home service. Tailored Fundraising is comprised of a team of dedicated partner support experts, most of whom have served in missions and all of whom are deeply committed to Jesus. To see more, click here to watch this short video from TF's founder, Russell Cooper.

What does this mean?

When a missionary enters Home Service (HSV), they will be asked to have a meeting with a Tailored Fundraising (TF) coach to assess how TF can aid with them meeting Partner Development (PD) goals. Missionaries with minor amounts to raise may be allowed to bypass this training. However, most will be encouraged to experience this coaching to aid in their PD effectiveness. The cost of Tailored Fundraising will be paid out of each missionary's Missionary Project fund.

Why the change?

The US Office began partnering with TF in September 2023 to help its pre-field appointees raise their support in a more reasonable amount of time. Overnight, we saw a difference in how our missionaries approached PD. Some who felt they had no ability to finish PD and get to the field were able to finish PD in a matter of weeks. We've further seen HSV missionaries who had over 50% to raise successfully finish PD work in less than four months. We belief that TF's expertise provides an excellent and important support our pre-field/HSV missionaries.

Don't I pay the US Office for all coaching already? Why add this?

In the past, the US Office committed itself to generalist coaching strategies, with our coaches covering everything from emotional/spiritual health to financial needs. Now, we are choosing to focus our efforts in the emotional/spiritual wellbeing of our missionaries while partnering with organizations that specialize in other areas. This coaching is still guided by the US Office, Tailored Fundraising is a contracted partner.

Is their training Biblically based/scriptural?

Yes. TF is committed to the scriptures and to training missionaries on theologically informed PD.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact Nathan Didlake

tailored_fundraising.txt · Last modified: 2024/08/16 17:37 by kimsamalca

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