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Mission Teams in SEND International

Books on Teaming

TECHnically Connected: Navigating Distance on Virtual Teams by Warren Janzen, SEND's International Director.

TECHnically Connected draws from research, interviews of those in both the for-profit and non-profit sectors, and over 15 years of personal leadership experience to bring you practical insights that will help your team thrive without the drive. The virtual environment creates new challenges to the typical elements of teaming. Warren reflects on what it means to work virtually and unpacks the critical insight that when you are separated, “how” you work as a team is even more important than “who” is on the team. With practical examples from his experience leading a Christian non-profit agency, Warren shows you how to build trust, work through conflict, lead meetings, and bridge cultures while working from a distance.

  • Sticky Teams: Keeping Your Leadership Team and Staff on the Same Page by Larry Osborne. Larry Thiessen recommends this book and says, “This book focuses on how to keep your leadership team and staff on the same page. It gives very practical advice to church boards or leadership teams on how to build and maintain unity as well as explaining some of the growing pains of a leadership team that can cause disunity.”
  • The Performance Factor: Unlocking the Secrets of Teamwork by Pat MacMillan It's a great book on teamwork that could greatly impact your ability to lead a team.
  • The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni > Team Building, Leadership, Communication Skills, Good Recruiting.
  • Moving from I to We by Paul Ford >Team building, Leadership, Discipleship
  • Sacred Siblings: Valuing One Another for the Great Commission by Sue Eenigenburg and Suzy Grumelot. Recommended by Donna Macomber and Dorothy Janzen. Dorothy says, “Single men and women continue to make significant contributions to global missions. Sacred Siblings addresses the importance of understanding one another as singles and marrieds working together for the sake of the Kingdom. Through careful research, Sue and Suzy provide practical suggestions for healthy working relationships, bringing greater value to our single colleagues!”

Building healthy teams

Tools for building healthy teams

Teaming Toolkit

Formerly called the Teaming Toolkit. See this wiki page.

David Sedlacek's "Building Healthy Teams" training material

Some practical help for cross-cultural teams designed by David Sedlacek, a missionary with TEAM.

Team Covenants

Team building activities

Cautions about teaming

Team Development Stages

Multi-cultural teaming

See wiki page on this topic.

Trust in Teaming

Five Dysfunctions of a Team

teaming.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/12 17:04 by kimsamalca

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