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Teaming in SEND North

SEND North strives to place members into geographic or regional teams in the Alaskan and Canadian Bush within hub villages and in the villages surrounding the hub, not unlike satellites orbiting around a planet. This is consistent with the vision of “Saturate in Seven”, with multiple units in the hub and in the surrounding villages working together as a team for mutual support and to be more fully engaged in ministry. This may be accomplished by partnering with like-minded Christian ministries already established in the villages who may also serve as team leader given their experience and longevity in the village. Thus this increases the effectiveness of services. At this stage one major difference is that within Alaska all of this takes place with “fly-in only” villages centered around the hub while in Canada, Yukon and Northwest Territories, it is all currently within the road system, though over hundreds of miles.

Each geographic team (four in AK and one in Canada) has a team leader and each region (AK and Canada) has a Regional Ministry Director. Connections between leadership and teams include face to face visits in the village, email, phone/Skype conversations and SEND North or Regional team meetings which occur periodically throughout the year (annual meeting, fall/spring retreats/holiday gatherings).

teaming_in_send_north.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/15 14:00 by admin

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